Friday, 5 April 2019

Musings from the dorm 2019 style

I can't say I ever lived in a house that had large grounds as the best it got with me were the grounds of ones boarding school that had acres for safe exploration and play but if there were pictures to be taken of me in such a setting they'd be like this
For me at least there's always a bit of younger past mixed in with an older on paper present and like her I'd be their holding a plushie or a doll simply because it makes me feel secure, comfortable as myself.
That always was and truthfully is what I've been looking for from relationships with people not that I don't subscribe that you to offer something in them that's of benefit to others - that's a given with me - but in terms of what aids me especially in those that of necessity involving caring for me.
Neither overly cuddly nor sternness really satisfies either one or alternating between the two but warmness, empathy and active listening  is what is called for.
Re-reading a few books this week dealing with the stress of the current political issues rather brought much of this into focus.
 If your co-ordination is anything like mine scenes like these are by no means uncommon now as they were back then where if you could just walk into something or go to pick it up and just end up with everything all over the place then it would.
When things are like that an offer to help sorting things out are much appreciated.

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