Friday, 22 November 2019

The end of an era

While I suck on my lolipop, this week the politicians have been visiting factories, playing with children and kissing babies while setting out their Manifestos the programs for what four years of whatever party is meant to look like and to which whole chunks usually get shredded my thoughts have been elsewhere not helped by being unwell for a fair bit of the week.
Thing is, this is usually the time of year where the last touches to the Community magazine are made before it goes of the the printers so there's normally there is a last minute scramble that this time would of included things like when our Christmas tree gets turned on, carolling and Christmas events including the school plays and so on.
This time it's pretty quiet because it was announced a few weeks ago that it was to fold as the person who had been editing it had been at it for twenty three years who I have known personally for at least twenty five and there's a lot stuff with it like chasing up content, making sure content is legal (nothing, say slanderous can go in print over here), sorting the page layouts and proof-reading to start with.
I've been involved from day one being wearing a boring groan up hat in a Community Association that identified a  big need being knowing what was going on especially if you didn't belong to several groups who might informal share such information that lead up to a group who got the newsletter started and had distributed it with others on foot religiously over that period come rain or snow.
It probably says a lot about me that I wobbled personally hanging on to walls several times to deliver while other non disabled people stayed in and drunk their coffee as it went through the letter box or using brownie like ingenuity to get them in where access to was poor but it was all done willingly for no financial reward.
They are supposed o be trying get space in the Parish Council's magazine but is quarterly so we'll have to see just how that pans out.
To me it just seems the end of an era.

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