It's been a queer ol' week.
He's had enough but the others have a better idea like have a party and watch something fun on tv instead.There's been a few events that would of been marked in more normal times by such scenes this week but that wasn't possible but the stuff that was possible at least kept a balance off the impending Vaccine War between the European Union and the UK that might see our contracted vaccines confiscated and restrictions on the export of vaccines held there although many of ingredients, processes and personnel come from around the world.
This is both stupid and very dangerous, the World needs vaccines to reduce global transmission plus provide protection should people get covid and to make them it requires co-operation and this risks starting a global tit for tat battle as countries place more restrictions on ingredients and complete vaccine batches deciding to keep them for themselves.
The real issue is how to increase vaccine production and some contracts are more tighter on quantities, time scales and backed by money up front including not inconsiderable levels of investment compared to others.
One hopes it gets sorted out in a responsible way.