Friday, 26 March 2021

A diversion and fingers crossed

 It's been a queer ol' week.

He's had enough but the others have a better idea like have a party and watch something fun on tv instead.

There's been a few events that would of been marked in more normal times by such scenes this week but that wasn't possible but the stuff that was possible at least kept a balance off the impending Vaccine War between the European Union and the UK that might see our contracted vaccines confiscated and restrictions on the export of vaccines held there although many of ingredients, processes and personnel come from around the world.

This is both stupid and very dangerous, the World needs vaccines to reduce global transmission plus provide protection should people get covid and to make them it requires co-operation and this risks starting a global tit for tat battle as countries place more restrictions on ingredients and complete vaccine batches deciding to keep them for themselves.

The real issue is how to increase vaccine production and some contracts are more tighter on quantities, time scales and backed by money up front including not inconsiderable levels of investment compared to others.

One hopes it gets sorted out in a responsible way.

Friday, 19 March 2021

The other side of blogging


One the one hand this hasn't been a bad week keeping up with getting my tumblrs active, the blogs updated and finding time to be little me relaxing listening to some of those recordings I had for my Birthday.

Spring has sprung with the daffodils coming up on the green eventually even if it seemed odd that those in peoples gardens came out first, the birds are about and yesterday I saw a baby squirrel playing in the woods. 

Sometimes it can seem as if sharing this life may cut into having this life with lots of things going on but while it takes some doing usually I don't mind if it helps clue some people into to this life and break down a few misconceptions.

Yesterday though rather late into the evening I found this message:

"Hi I noticed you have dd1g posts. My blog doesn’t allow dd1g blogs to interact. Have a nice day though <3".

Well first things first, this person only posted ten times in April 2020 and not since so that's like nearly eleven months ago

The other thing is my Tumblr blog is NOT a ddlg blog, I never knowingly reblog anything from adult only kink tumblrs of any kind nor post anything myself that is.

Of course in the early days before minor friendly non sexual age regression was a thing on tumblr it was possible that you *may* of reblogged something from one even if the post itself wasn't.

Ever since being in nonsexual age regression communities from mid 2016 I've always checked and removed anything that might of come from such a source but when other people may spell "ddlg" in full with no deliberate use of say a 1 for an l (L), when saying on a post not to interact with a blogs that are, checking does produce false positives.

That is actually what happened and this user then blocked me 

Basically they blocked me for no good reason and you don't know where they may take it.

Friday, 12 March 2021

The Dumbed down blogger layout

 This week as I felt like doing something only to find you can no longer.

See back in 2010 they launched a new template designer which had a wysiwyg interface which enabled you to fine tune any Blogger template, changing background colours, text sizes of any elements such as links or pages and their fonts and for the page module the width of the bar so you could have a really attractive and neatly put together blog all edited on your computer with no need to use HTML editing or CSS sheets to customize it.

When they redid the interface to enter your post on to it appears someone at Google decided to dumb down the layout changes to just Text width, Right hand side margin, text size, colour and that was about it.

No doubt this was done to fit in with the idea that people want to make stand alone blogs on a smartphone to the point any customization was removed for the rest of us.

No longer could you set the text size and font of the headings, individual elements and so on.

This means I can't change the text size I originally set for pages, the colour of the current  or the length of tab bar to one that might suit any new pages I may wish to add.

To me Blogger really has lost what it had over Wordpress, a excellent layout designer negating any need to install templates and twiddle using codes to make a highly impressive blog and for what?

Friday, 5 March 2021

Education is for life

One common conception is that education is just for the young, endured for a brief period and then hung on the hat stand indefinitely but it need not be like that.

In some parts of the world substantial numbers of adults are lacking in numeracy and literacy skills often because in their own childhood educational provision was patchy or as soon as they were able to work any kind of learning stopped altogether because of their families situation.

In other instances they may not of studied the subject range  or depth many today feel is desirable to be knowledgeable.

Thus in some parts of the world it is not uncommon for adults to be taught in schools sometimes sharing in lessons, sometimes with classes just for them in school with them in effect becoming scholars again.

I can recall the bemusement of a friend who left school at the earliest possible opportunity with no academic qualifications looking back at her "that's all over with" emotions of the past as like a number of us she took her first examinations several years later.

She'd discovered learning never stops.

It also turned out that in some respects she also shared some of my more littles traits too!