Thursday, 5 September 2013


As make our way into the fall, the sky at night gets darker, ideal for stargazing - light pollution permitting - and you don't need anything fancy. A good pair of binoculars is ideal for casual viewing although spending around $130 or more on telescope can pay off.
Although this site is aimed at kids it has some very good basic information to aid you.
Astronomy for Kids


Unknown said...

Oh wow! You did a story on astronomy!
That is a great website with a lot of useful information for beginners and amateurs. Just because I've been into it most of my life doesn't mean I can remember all the major celestial objects, the constellations or their locations as they're positions change in the night sky. I rely on star maps,a planisphere and basic information like the information in the Astronomy magazine link for kids that you have provided.

Binoculars are a great idea also. I use these for scanning star fields for "fuzzies" and it's amazing how much more you can see with them while giving you a feeling of floating through space.

They have good quality optics but won't break the bank so you can have more money to save for a telescope or lenses and such.

Unknown said...

This is a great, fun and safe planetarium program for PC's also. The best thing is it's open source (free) with coordinates for thousands of objects. They also provide upgrades and support. A very useful tool during colder months when the atmosphere is generally less hazy and for pre-planning in the warmth and comfort of your home.

Simply find your city or type in the coordinates manually and voila! Your location coordinates (latitude, longitude and altitude) can easily be found with a quick Google search.