Thursday 3 January 2008

New Year Address 2008

Well, that was 2007 for you where That Boarding School Girl continued on talking about my interests, hobbies and thoughts while allowing me to live this life as a regressed very much child-like person I am and simple cannot be any other.
That's why there's a need at times to talk about my life on here and about what age regression in it is even though this isn't a stereotypical blog of littles with just child-like and appropriately child related interests and sometimes I will talk about topical issues as the exist around the world I inhabit like you do.
Unlike the other blog, this has a more journalling feel rather like today people do with blogs and you tube VBlogs but reflecting a bit more of the era I was at school in I set things down on a blog just being a twenty-first century equivalent of a school type magazine of the sort at my boarding school we'd put together.
Happy New Year everyone!

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