Monday 16 May 2016

The Olympus OM40 camera

I recently picked an OM40 body boxed with the instructions.

This model was introduced in 1985 but only remained in production for a couple of years.

It has a funny cross between a spot meter and all around (centre weighted) metering called ESP. It works fairly well comparing the centre spot to the outer areas balancing the two although it assumes the subject is in the middle of the frame.The flash is Through the lens like the OM4 which was always a good idea It also has a Program mode for quick picture taking.

The chief minus is that like all the double digit OM models the viewfinder only covers 93% rather than 97% of the OM4/3/2/1 models and it doesn't have a spot meter option al a OM2SP

It is surprisingly good given it was only really intended for amateurs.

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