Friday 14 February 2020

Getting ready to go

Well I'm off tomorrow apparently.
The worst thing about being ready to go away for this Geography Field Trip is having sort through all my stuff deciding what to take with me and what not to cos my case is only so big and the groan ups get a bit mad if they see a forest with of carrier bags sat by it going on about "space in the car".
I mean there are such things as trailers so really it ought not to be an issue but in their world it just is so you might as well get on with it.
I mean they surely can't stop me from turning up in my uniform as it is a GHS trip after all  they will be there as will be my long socks which you need in the Winter and I will have my lolipops to suck on.
I'll make sure there's space for my camera as field reports always look better with pictures and probably a pair of thick track pants if it's super cold out.
Bye for now.

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