Friday 18 September 2020

A testing time


This week started with the end of the pills for my infection which all had to be taken in order following the new fangled email the surgery approach as it's harder thanks to Covid to get a face to face appointment first without going through everything first.

I've been out and about mainly in the sun to get some fresh air clearing up my system as I wasn't well and needed to take active steps to aid my recovery and sort a few things out for a charity collection at the start of next week ready for anything I may get at Christmas which certainly isn't being cancelled here even if like everything else in 2020 might well be different.

To say we're having a testing time  isn't just a play on words that my pennant for punnery is famed for but is an indication of a problem of not just getting tests to people where there has been unprecedented demand but also in the processing of such tests.

Most countries face similar challenges but because Covid shares some symptoms with such seasonal visitors as the Common Cold and Flu it is vital that within the health service, care homes, schools, colleges and universities are able to run them to separate out Covid which needs 10-14 days isolation from everyday colds that require less not just for clients, children and young people but also those who care for people and educators such as teachers.

While there is talk of extra facilities coming on stream in a months time we certainly do not wish to return to the point of postponing operations and shutting down whole schools because of severe staff shortages as people are in effect forced to isolate not knowing if they really have to due to not test results being available.

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