Friday 5 February 2021

800th post edition

It may sound strange but we're just over and I mean just that, 800 posts on this blog which does go back a long time and has had the odd makeover in that period from the days I sat huddled around the ancient Stone PC in it's console with separate Hello Kitty keyboard and 14" 4:3 CRT monitor trying to write something. 

One thing no one would of anticipated writing about is a pandemic that has more or less shut down much of everyday life around the world, resulting in over 110,000 deaths in this country alone because it's spread by everyday social contact, the stuff we crave as humans.

We've had some good news this week with that scientific research that shows people are inoculated by the Oxford/AstroZenaca vaccine have a very dramatic reduction in the transmission of Covid and that in one test no one in  the control sample who did develop covid required hospitalization who had been vaccinated compared to those who had not.

This over time dues potentially open the doors to a slow return to something like normal while the EU tries to sort out it's own program in a more responsible way by working with the vaccine companies to increase production.

Things around current affairs have been a part of this blog not least because it helps to keep my more age regression blog focussed on that and trust me that littles life has helped a lot where more grown up concerns get talked about here.

From day one posts around  music featured as between an overlap of people at one Tg site and a dedicated music site there was an audience for talking about recordings and the increasingly common question of how different editions do sound.

There has been at various times some posts around fashion not that current conditions easily lend themselves to having places to show your "glad rags" off and bits around littles fashion cos I'm very much that in everyday life.

And then there's been interests posts around literature, dvd's, the arts and vacations too as this tends to be a broad based blog.

It'll most likely make it's 900th post soon enough for thanks for following over the decades.

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