Friday 23 April 2021

Thoughts on St. Georges


Today is St. Georges day which anyone connected with things like GirlGuiding knows is pretty important to the point you'd do things to mark it as the spirit of St. George in facing down the dragon is really what we need to achieve being the best us we can.

Before all this covid stuff kicked off Girl Guides would march and do activities to mark it such as making Owls apart from the all year round stuff like working for awards, earning badges and heck, having an adventure that they normally do.

Wouldn't you sooner be having an adventure, learning new skills and having fun with friends? I sure would!

I like going for hikes and that and while coming back the other day I noticed the daffodils were still out here so I took a picture softening the background a little. 

Today I've been tidying up some of my many classical music cds, making sure that discs just by one composer are all together and the box sets are filed by either composer if that's what the theme is or the conductor or soloist such as a pianist or violinist.

Of course those which have works by various composers are harder to file away unless there is a clear cut major work on them but generally the effort is worth it.

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