Friday 7 May 2021

Did Covid steal the elections?

It's been an odd week with some rather unseasonal weather and the final days of something that seems almost unreal.

See, yesterday was Super Thursday as the mass media has dubbed it where a variety of different types of election are taking place across Great Britain depending on where you live.

In Scotland and Wales you have elections for the Scottish parliament and the Welsh Senned with a kind of proportional representation and some local elections too.

In England if you live in an area with an Elected Mayor  rather than the Mayor of a Town or Council area such as Greater London, Greater Manchester and the West Midlands Combined Authority you will be voting for them.

In some areas you may have elections for your local council and if like in Shropshire, Staffordshire and Cheshire you have Police and Crime Commissionaires, you will have elections for them.

We had the Polling Cards that tell us wear a mask, follow the social distancing rules and bring your own pencil to mark the ballot paper.

Thing is here it's like there is no election at all as we have had no leaflets from the four Candidates, no pieces in the newspapers by them, no meetings even outdoors even though outdoor events are possible and we've had no end of leaflets from Indian and Chinese take aways delivered through the letterbox.

It just seems like the election process has halted, almost dead and I suspect turn out will be very low not helped by snowfall here.

Results may take more time with social distancing required at the count on Friday so some may not be declared until the end of the weekend.

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