Friday 10 December 2021

Seasonal preparations


In the normal course of events we'd be seeing a variety of things going on in our towns and cities across the Christmas period although of course people do observe other religious seasons as they overlap.

A common thing would be a fair with rides, some kind of accompanying music such as a fairground organ or a public address system that plays music.

You'd have a festive market selling things like Christmas trees, wreaths, cards and hats outside all adding to the atmosphere with posters for various pantomimes and other performances.

Some areas have scaled things down thinking people remain reluctant to mix after last years of necessity strict rules while others are going ahead although talk about this newest variant seems to produce more uncertainty with everything being clouded with "what if..."  as experts share differing views.

Outside of just taking precautions when very close or indoors following the renewed guidance for using face masks I'd just go enjoy things as it's all time we can't get back and as thousands can still attend sports events in similar settings I see little difference.

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