Friday 22 April 2022

Moving on by looking for the best of what we had

Today is just a day where I feel like talking about  what being together as friends or family can be so much better.


Sometimes I really regret the loss of older accepted standards around how we treat each other especially in spaces we cannot easily move out of.

One is recognizing we need spaces away from popular culture and politics to talk to each other about own our ideas and fears in a way we feel most comfortable with without quoting some person or putting it in a political package as if the only reason to talk is submit things to be fixed.

Being a listener is important and many of us feel we need people to listen more to what we are saying and feeling in our lives.

Sometimes we just wish to have our feelings valued as important things to us and on our minds and to receive reassurances that having them is okay.

It almost sounds banal but to actually talk about your "day" matters as it affects how you feel and how those feelings move into other areas of your life.

We also need to have situations were we can talk through differences rather than making accusations and counter accusations with corresponding threats and counter threats looking at how we can find accommodation of differing ideas in practical ways rather than it being about winners and losers.

We badly need to put the goddam mobile phone down, creating the mental space to directly engaging with people be it a conversation with an adult or child who in effect is being ignored for some message or other.

It's a wonderful thing to have a pocket computer but is becoming a barrier to real face to face communication and just  being in peoples lives.

Is your mobile your best buddy???

Can we bring back shared space when stuff like this can happen like a meal together with just us there?

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