Friday 23 September 2022

The End and a new era

Exiting the week here with a short post as I'm not feeling too great  looking back at the Queen's life, the very things we will remember her for even if the earliest were not things I personally lived through.

Time was when I had scrapbooks of Royal connected pictures and that but they've been missing for a good few decades, probably some "you won't need this" tidying up session but this is the next nearest thing.

Reminds me a bit of schools posters.

Funeral was long with separate stages beautifully choreographed, everyone with a role looking spotless, rich in symbolism even if ultimately sad as I got through a number of tissues.

Hundreds of thousands turned out to pay their respects, 26 million saw live coverage on tv, the weather held up for an event that was unmistakably British as much as others from he commonwealth to which she was Queen played a part.

We will miss her.


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