Friday, 16 June 2023

Hot off the press edition


What can you say about a week that's been so hot you've felt really ill drifting in and out of being consciousness even and when you got up early  to try to to get things you needed done while you were able to?

Let's put it this way, the last time I felt anything like this was 2018 but at least this time minus lyme disease although last year was quite a challenge as indeed it was for Mom.

I tend to run warm ordinarily and my blood pressure is a little above average which I tend to keep under control by watching what I eat and avoiding stress inducing habits and ways of thinking.

You're probably not the only person who feels politics as a means of dealing the needs of everyday people isn't working and seems to more focused on internal issues, swabbles and more knockabout theatre between rival groups and parties.

For what it is worth, if the former Prime Minister had attempted to get a veto by the Lords of some his peerages turned down by our current Prime Minister Mr Sunak then I feel in rejecting that he was right.

That group has a function and the minute you try to pull this kind of stunt off then it only deepens the sense of politicians working against the system and would leave a big stink, something no one possibly having to go to an election really needs.

Sometimes you just have to say to people "With respect, I cannot possibly do this".

As much as I respected what Boris did, as imperfect  and at times flawed as he was, we need to move on to deal with issues of today such as ecology, the cost of living crisis which is causing very real difficulties and helping Ukraine regain its territory, standing up to an aggressive Russia and China.

There is far more to politics than just going over the ground of a man who feels slighted and some who are more into their own intrigues, digging up the past than dealing with what matters now.

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