Friday 21 July 2023

School's Out edition

 Yes in  this district school is indeed out, blazers take a break and for some the last trip from the dorm takes place today until Autumn Term commences in September so I'll be away for a few days after next Friday, not sure about the soaking up the sun bit but certainly a break.

A break is something to be honest I badly need with every that's happened this year.

Thoughts do go back about to my earliest days at school and some of the things I had then that stayed with me across official childhood.

This was one I don't think I was the original first owner of, most likely to have been my older brother but passed down as he was getting around the age of transition to high school was on the card so he had other things like science books and what today we'd call part works that built into a encyclopedia.

Published in 1968 and like most yearbooks for the next year, this was one I read cover to cover often when I was unwell while in time I got the then current books from the seventies.


Although I have a feeling I had seen this before I certainly had not any recollection of having it here in forty odd years so recently I was able to pick up the 1968 yearbook published in 1967 when is when the start of the now deemed classic line up of John Noakes with Valerie Singleton got together to be joined the next year by Peter Purves that last to around 1972.

Most copies suffer from damaged spines as the bindings were not very good which when coupled by many super eager reads soon break off, further exposing the binding to wear and tear.

Fortunately this copy had a repair done to it which appeared to have done the trick.

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