Friday 4 October 2024



Tis a rough day here in the dorm so I'm having to stay indoors take lemsips and cough mixture as I have the flu as we sit through the various Party Conferences and continue to digest all those very naughty reverlations about taking super expensive free things wrapped around the Prime Minister and Chancellor.

To think it wasn't long ago they went on about the previous governement doing the same!

When I'm like this, the little side needs looking after so out come the teddies and plushies sos they do help keep my spirits up which helps when you feel your body had been on the end of bruising boxing match and I do tend to read read things I loved apart from playing a bit of music like my Brahms Symphonies on record.

Among the thiongs I love reading are old Guides and Brownies annuals as they do help cheer me up with makes, stories and things that take me back to the past.

Hopefully We'll be feeling bettter next week.

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