No, I'm not feeling like lobbing a snowball about today although it's rather cool out but after a good many decades one forum I have had continuous membership of will be closing on February 28 and so transitional arrangements as befits a well run establishment are being formed and I have made my own arrangements.UK Angels was my home given my gender past since around 2005/6 although in 2008 I did lose my login stuff inexplicably so my account migrated from majorclanger to majorclanger1 where amongst things I arranged my first ever Tg meet up in real life in a town in mid cheshire we both knew.
It was where I learned about how the Law applies to Tg/Tgurls, how to deal with situations such as encountering the Police as this did concern Mom rather a lot at the time, what facilities you could expect to use and what your rights were.
It wasn't all Tgurl/Tg news and discussion although we did talk about issues, our preferences when it came to presenting "en femme" and where to by it from NOT from "Tat For Trannies" as we satirized a well known Tg/Tv supplier at the time who advertised in the popular press and whose owner had a tv feature or two on her.
There was a lively discussion about music in it's own sub forum where we had a number of people really knowledgeable about music and for a period "T Music" was a thing in an age of 96kbps mp3 downloads.
It was there where we did discuss various subcultures such as "sissy" and where I struggling with having a younger LG side and a Bigger side I came out and people accepted me as that hybrid which was deeply moving.
That paved the way for me to find groups that were LG and my excursions while not heavily pushed were known as a part which was touched on in this blog that started mainly for the Angels (and some folk at a music forum).
It is sad it is closing, part down to litigious attitudes by various bodies, more people using social media and also upcoming legal changes but I have joined our continuation Reddit private group as Facebook is just too open for stuff you don't want family and the General Public to know just escaping.
As we say today "What is seen cannot be unseen" and things are screenshot and passed about too easily so a private group is much better.
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