Friday 31 January 2020

Our day of leaving

If you're British you will have sharply polarized views on upon seeing this: you may of voted for leaving (that's most of us in this district) or may not but we are past the point of talking about the referendum, the bitter impass of the three and a half years in Parliament before last Month's General Election.

Whatever you think, come 11PM tonight we will have left the European Union. Period.
We're on a different journey now, a feeling you may feel elated over or fearful, one some of us can remember from 1973 when we joined the Mk1 EU we knew as the Common Market wondering just how it was going to work out.

I sympathize with those who are fearful although with everything that those who favoured however reluctantly leaving  being called obnoxious and toxic names while everything was done to prevent that result from being enacted I can understand a sense of "at last" too.

Point is we need to now get on with making the best of our being out of the EU and we're best starting by dropping all those insults and working together, accepting the result is now to be implemented  and working toward that common aim, being prepared to be pragmatic to achieve something that will work for us all even if it may not quite everything we might personally of wanted. Give and take in other words not grandstanding and throwing the toys about.

Let's move on and make the most of where we are.

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