Friday 5 June 2020

Save Chester Zoo

This week we bring you an emergency.
Chester Zoo, Established by the Moddershaw's  in the early half of the last century may face closure soon because it is costing more than their savings to keep it running as like most other things it has been shut down thanks to Covid-19.

Thing is Zoo's are not like Primark or McDonalds just selling something you want, in fact the lion's share of what the zoo does is animal research and conservation as there's some nasty pieces of work in Africa, Asia and South America who kill animals for money often meat and bones.

This means whole species could become extinct and that is where this zoo like many come in, keeping them alive.

Unfortunately the UK government body that Zoo's come under is not treating them like research establishments underpinning the running costs but more as visitor attractions.

 This chap probably has more brains than that department and so because they cannot make up their minds about how to re-open zoos although Chester Zoo has devised a scheme to allow for reopening, they can't so they are unable to get 93% of their year on year funding.

This means by the end of 2020 they will be facing a £24 million debt.

It may not take long before it is wound up.

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