Friday 31 July 2020

Travel reversals

In what has been an adventurous week perhaps the song that's been sticking in my head all week being hummed has been this 1977 offering by the Steve Miller Band which the single has minor lyric change to comply with then radio station policies on cuss words.
The songs kind of apt because that big issue of the week is foreign travel and specifically travel to Spain which hasn't been banned but people are being told they have to stay at home for fourteen days because of Covid outbreaks in  Madrid, Barcelona and around the "Costas" which are on the coast of the Catalonia area of Spain.

You may recall the outrage when fourteen day quarantines were suggest on travel due to this jolly norty Covid being World-Wide and easy to spread from country to country and how we made a bit of list of countries that we may be able to travel to.

Thing was, there always was this caveat that infection rates in those countries went up it would be reviewed which is just what has happened and the travel industry is howling with protests saying how people would lose jobs and businesses being lost.

No one can say it may not happen and nobody wants people to go through that but public health - our public health as Britons comes first - and if we start to have massive infections again then even more jobs and businesses will be lost never mind the impact on the health service and loss of lives which has not been inconsiderable so far.

While I have understanding for individuals own circumstances, we just have to accept such things will happen unless and until we have a vaccine ready to protect all of us.
All our lives matter.

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