This week hasn't been a great one with pretty bad muzzy head for a large chunk of it and as I'm typing this apart from the bang bang bang of next door erecting another shed it is raining pretty hard here, to hard to be honest for me to be out spotting the wildlife and no I don't mean Grumpy by that,lol!
I've been working a little on my Tumblr which I've had for a while now tidying the odd post up and working on the style of it as some of things I might of considering posting to be honest I had grown a bit tired of.
Part of that is really more to do with how Age Dysphoria runs in my life, I don't so much need a regressive tumblr so much as one that covers just what interests me a bit like a half and half of this blog and my other one cos I'm in the same space.
So that does have things related to manga, anime and lolita fashion mixed in with some past childhood related posts minus much of the age regression war discourse which as I've said before ironically takes you out of the very headspace you need just for arguments about terms and that.
That's always been me I feel and getting that tumblr right so I feel comfortable posting on it the stuff that matters to me is important.