Friday, 14 October 2022

A few of my favourite things

This week hasn't been the best week with some anxiety raising stories in the popular press and the usual childish antics in Parliament so armed with rope, I'll skip over that to things I do find comforting.

I like this illustrated traditional children's poem a lot.

 I feel at my best with my cute stuffies either on the shelf or when I handle them and taking time however hard it may be look pretty helps to shift more downbeat attitudes and cycles of "don't care".

Halloween will be upon us soon and although we may need to wrap up in the evening I find time spent making halloween related things like masks and pumpkin lanterns is relaxing especially if you can do it with friends.

A spot of listening to music is something I love, transporting me to other more enjoyable spots and these recent recordings by the Sinfonia of London with scores from the Big Screen and new to me music by the composer John Ireland are just great for it.

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