Friday 16 December 2022

Things that come back from past memories

Not that long to go before the day so in the incredible sub zero degrees temperatures apart from sleep in a woollen hat and gloves as I could feel myself almost shiverthouhhts go back to the past.

Way back in 1978 Saturday tea times had runs of The Pink Panther Show on BBC1 where the inspectors poor thinking often showed him outwitted by the criminal gangs and his Pinkness outfoxed his opponents.

Sometime these were the original sixties versions and at other time newer compilations with other characters series shown.

I just loved watching them. Still do.

Back in the day records were the main medium, a big concern was if the person you lent (never "loaned") a record to to listen would look after it from spilling things on it, knocking the tone arm and scratching it but I never had a person place it upon a radiator although you might have to remind some about keeping away from gas or coal fires as heat can cause significant warps that may not play well if at all.

There may be a record or two in eight nights time although I'm waiting on a few with the current industrial action delaying matters more than just this weather normally would.

There will be a pause after a out of sequence post on Monday until at least boxing day if not later that week.

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