Friday 20 March 2020

Carrying on using past lessons

Eight days on as I type this following the seventh anniversary of my Tumblr the world does look somewhat different and I'd add troubled.

Somethings that are apparent to me is we need to go back to coping and being prepared in much the way some of us recall from when we were younger rather than whining and panicking being prepared to do a good turn rather than looking after yourself to the exclusion of all others.

For instance for somethings we like and may be hard to find in the shops they may other things we could use instead even if they may not be what we'd prefer.

You could check on people on their own either in person or electronically, being prepared to get them things they may struggle with otherwise or join a community support group.

You may not always feel like it but it would help people if you tried to be the best  you can during this period so we don't add to peoples stress and worries.

Maybe we need to do what we'd of done as a matter of course as a child in hard times rather than being wrapped up in cynicism and selfishness.

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