Friday 9 October 2020

Tuned in ready for the updates


I can remember my grand parents house that had a simple bakelite radio of this era late 1940's early 50's still being used several decades on one one of my many periodic weekend and and off school vacations often being on a times when announcements were likely to be made.

For a period at our first home we did have a similar set too of the universal AC/DC design with some practices that would fall short of modern safety standards like having a potentially live chassis if the (two pin) plug was insert the wrong way around.

This next few ways we are likely to see some major announcements in England being made regarding the Covid health emergency with a simplifying of the rules to three bands and the probability of restaurant and pub closures in the most affected areas with money being made available for those forced to closed and the prohibiting of staying overnight in anywhere outside your own home.

All of this no doubt will be worked on up to the last minute and as things are here two school fifth forms are shut down and another is just coming out of the same which suggests we could be in for a bumpy ride locally if this shows in the overall transmission rate.

I tend not to spend a lot of time following news streams and the like, preferring to listen to the reports that just have the basic information.

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